Dear Liberty Lovers,


We are very excited about our upcoming WTP meeting Tuesday!

Our guest speakers Adrian Ross and

Pastor Zach Strong will discuss "the church's role in politics and culture".

This will be a very relevant discussion during this troubled time. We need to stand strong in our faith to withstand this storm. Please invite your friends, neighbors and peers. Many people are confused and searching during these difficult times. I’m sure all who attend will be encouraged.

Also, there are six dates in SE MO to hear Bill Federer, including June 27th at our WTP meeting.

Bring a friend! He’s a great storyteller of our American Christian heritage.

Save these dates!



πŸ’₯ June 20 (Tuesday) 5 pm

WTP weekly meeting

Delmonico’s Restaurant

Guest speakers:

Adrian Ross

Zach Strong


πŸ’₯ June 27 (Tuesday) Noon

Cape County Health Board

πŸ’₯ June 27 (Tuesday) 5 pm

WTP weekly meeting

Delmonico’s Restaurant

Guest Speaker:

Bill Federer

We the People

of Cape Girardeau County will be taking a break

during July and August EXCEPT for meetings

on July 25 and August 29 which will be held at Delmonicos at 5 pm.

πŸ’₯ July 8, 2023

There is no WTP statewide conference this year but a Team Building event is open to all interested on July 8, 10am, lunch included in Bourbon, MO, located between Sullivan & Cuba on HWY 44.

Sign up here:




That is all for now.

See you soon!



We The People

of Cape County


We the People of Cape Girardeau County

P.O.Box 665, Jackson, Mo 63755.


β€œEternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”