Dear Liberty Lovers,



Tuesdayโ€™s meeting with

nationally known 

speaker and author 




Hereโ€™s a summary of that meeting written by Donna Goodson:


We The People 

June 27th, 2023

There is just no way to tell you in one paragraph all the valuable info covered in this informative meeting.  Thank you to all who were instrumental in making this happen. 


Jan gets the meeting started once again by calling on those attending tonightโ€™s meeting, to give an overview of community news that is currently happening.   Itโ€™s so important for us to stay on top of what is happening right here in our own community.  


Mr. Bill Federer covered a lot of ground in past history and current events.  Here are just a couple of thoughts that I jotted down. 


Did you know that the meaning of โ€œdevilโ€ is to divide?  


Karl Marx was known to say that you should blame others for what you are guilty of and Mr. Federer asks if this sounds familiar?!


False Flag means to accuse others of something that you actually did. โ€œFalse Flagโ€ has been used over and over in history and he showed us several examples of past leaders who used this in their favor to rule.   


And last but not least, Mr. Federer stated that every generation has a crisis and there will be many more after our generation.  However, it is in the time of crisis that true leaders are raised up.  And he challenges us to pray for boldness!  He says that sometimes God provides the opportunity for us to show others whose side we are truly on and encourages us to do this.  This is our time to take a stand against evil.  


He ended the meeting talking about Godโ€™s love for each and every one of us!


Save these dates! 



๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ REMEMBER ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ


We the People 

of Cape Girardeau County will be taking a break

during July and August EXCEPT for meetings 

on July 25 and August 29 which will be held at Delmonicos at 5 pm.


๐Ÿ’ฅ July 8, 2023

There is no WTP statewide conference this year but a Team Building event is open to all interested on July 8, 10am, lunch included in Bourbon, MO, located between Sullivan & Cuba on HWY 44.


Sign up here:


๐Ÿ’ฅ July 25 (Tuesday) 5 pm

WTP weekly meeting

Delmonicoโ€™s Restaurant

Guest Speaker:

Samuel Herndon 

Cape County Emergency Management Coordinator


๐Ÿ’ฅ July 31 (Monday) 11:30 

Cape County 

Health Board Meeting 


๐Ÿ’ฅ August 29(Tuesday) 5pm

WTP weekly meeting

Delmonicoโ€™s Restaurant

Guest Speaker:

Stacy Shore

Camden County fighter

Against Common Core & more




That is all for now.

See you soon!



We The People 

of Cape County


We the People of Cape Girardeau County

P.O.Box 665, Jackson, Mo 63755.


โ€œEternal vigilance is the price of liberty.โ€