Christian County Extension Council Meeting

County extension council

The county extension council, comprised of elected and appointed citizens, is a full partner with Missouri’s land-grant universities to deliver high-quality education and research-based information that helps people solve real-world problems and take advantage of opportunities.

Council members:

  • Work with extension specialists to provide the county educational program
  • Manage finances of local extension operations
  • Provide personnel to carry out extension activities
  • Elect and organize the local extension council

Council resource toolbox

The council resource toolbox is designed to assist council members and officers to best carry out their office duties and serve the constituents that they represent.

The Christian County University of Missouri Extension Council meets at 5 p.m. on the second Thursday of every EVEN month (February, April, June, August, October, and December). The public is invited. We recommend calling ahead to confirm time and location.


Dec 08 2022


5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Christian County Extension Office


Christian County Extension Office
4101 N State Hwy NN Suite 103 Ozark, MO 65721