FACL – Foundations of Applied Conservative Leadership

Nixa MO
Political Leadership School

– How YOU can become effective in politics and make the politicians do what YOU want

STARTS ON Saturday, July 16th, 2022 – 9:00 AM

Are you respected by politicians?

Unless you are politically feared, you will not be politically respected.

Learn WHY this works…. Learn HOW YOU can be feared AND respected by politicians in the fight for liberty.

This is practical, no-nonsense training built around cutting-edge political strategies and tactics.

If you are tired of crony-capitalism, corporate handouts and politicians only looking out for their next re-election, this class might be for you.

If you are ready to DO something to take back power from the politicians and elites for “We The People,” you NEED to attend this class on Saturday, July 16th, 2022 in Nixa, MO.

This intense one-day training covers:

  • The Real Nature of Politics – why just “educating” people alone won’t result in change;
  • The Biggest Lie in Politics – and how the political class uses your convictions against you;
  • How to work effectively at the Capitol – getting a bill sponsor and a roll call vote despite the leadership; and
  • How to put pressure on legislators.

All of our instructors have years of experience putting these principles to work in multiple states.

Many have worked on federal, state, and local campaigns, including major presidential campaigns, and successful campaigns for U.S. Senate and Congress. They know what works, and also what has been proven not to work in getting politicians to vote right.

This class will teach you how to turn your passion into effective action to advance liberty.

If you’re ready to learn how to be effective AND feared by politicians, click here to register for this class on Saturday, July 16th, 2022 in Nixa, MO. We’ll even throw in lunch!


Jul 16 2022


8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Walkabout Coffee Shop


Walkabout Coffee Shop
1860 N Commerce DR, Nixa, MO 65714


WTP Christian County