Public Comment for MO SOS on Rule 15 CSR 30-200.015

Call to Action!

There is a 30-day period to comment on the proposed rule found hereOnce you have read through the A-F points in the PDF, send your email or letter.

We need every member to contact the MO Secretary of State (SOS) before 12/15:

  1. EMAIL – Send an email to with a subject “Rule 15 CSR 30-200.015”.
  2. MAIL – Office of the Missouri Secretary of State, PO Box 1767, Jefferson, MO 65102.  Letters must be received by 12/15.

Please share that you agree with their six proposed rules for libraries in Missouri and thank them for protecting our children!

Here are two sample text templates that you can copy into your email or letter to use or customize:

Sample SOS Email Template_Rule 15 CSR 30-200.015