News & Updates
Missouri Chamber of Commerce
How did they come to the conclusion that Missouri is having a Child Care “CRISIS!??” A survey. Yes, just a survey. If any of the Chamber business gurus actually took Business Statistics in…
Newsletter Capability is back up! Email us at
Hi We the People of Missouri Supporters! We want to update you on what has been happening behind the scenes with We the People of Missouri (WTPMO) recently. As you may know, the…
Can We Be Satisfied with Senate’s $50 billion “Balanced” Budget?
From Rep. Darin Chappell Today, we passed the budget for the State of Missouri. It’s balanced, the education foundation formula is fully funded, school transportation is fully funded, and libraries are fully funded.…
Current Issues in the Senate: Leadership vs. Conservative Caucus
Tensions are high within the Missouri Senate as the seven members of the Conservative Caucus stand their ground against party leadership, the governor, and what many consider an “infestation” of RINOs within the…